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Image by Alex

Employee Experience

Employee experience directly affects our culture, engagement and success. It's excellency has great impact on your employer brand value for talent attraction, as well as brand reputation for customer engagement.

Value chain starts with employees, ends with customers. Evolve inside out for the greater good of all people!

Employee experience is an employee's perceptions about his or her journey through all the touch points at a particular organization, starting with job candidacy through to the exit from the company. The company's physical workspace, culture and technology are all important components of the employee experience (EX).

All the interactions that an employee has generate an idea, then it triggers an emotion and these two creates a perception and shapes the behaviors. So it's significant to understand the impact of all our decisions, initiatives, communication ways and interactions with our candidates and employees to generate ways to improve their experience with our organization.


Whatever the experience they have with our organization, definitely have a great impact on customer experience as well. The value chain starts with employees and ends with customers. Then start with the core, then see the great impact on customer and business results.


Evolve inside out for the greater good for all people (employees, customers and other stakeholders).

End to End Employee Experience

Every organization has three main experience phases:

Candidate - Employee - Exit and Reunion.

Each phase is completely unique for each organization. Within all these three phases each organization might have different theme and initiatives. Moreover, each theme and initiative should be different to diversified people personas. (according to their demography, characteristics, seniority, expertise area, etc.).


That's why studying and improving employee experience needs T-shape expertise which needs both lineer and in-dept knowledge in each journey. Below is just and example for you to visualize how an end-to-end employee experience journey with different themes / initiatives with high level definitions looks like:

Renkli kalemler

Candidate Experience

Talent Attraction



Employee Experience

Onboarding and Orientation

Performance and Bonus

Reward and Recognition

Training & Development

Talent Management

Compensation and Benefits

Communication and Branding

Collaboration Culture

Engagement and Retention


Image by Alex

Exist & Reunion Experience





Create Powerful Engagement with
Employee Experience Design

In Employee Experience Design Program there are 5 steps on our journey to;

  • discover the current employee experiences with their journeys and challenges

  • determine the journeys that are prioritized for the organization's needs and targets

  • define the different personas for each journey with their current experiences 

  • design the prioritized journeys with better core processes, touch points and prioritized initiatives that has to be done for better employee experiences.

  • deploy a system that keeps two ways and on-going communication and interaction to measure employee experience 

1. Discover

the Employee Experience Journeys and Personas

We start to discover the organization's current challenge on employee experience as a whole. Then we continue with analyzing qualitative and quantitative research to determine employee profiles, determining samples from different profiles, conducting one-on-one group interviews and completing Persona studies.

Data  and System Analysis

Survey Results (GPTW and others)

1:1  and Group interviews

Persona Cards Content and Design

4. Deploy

the New Journeys, Measure Experience & Impact

The organization puts the designed employee experience processes into practice, and gather feedback continuously via a system or from different channels from the personas that are defined during  the program.

Qualitative and Quantitative Surveys

2. Dream

the Desired Employee Journeys for Personas

After discovery phase we facilitate a workshop, we analyzing the one-year life journeys of each of the different personas identified, identifying the bitter-sweet-ambiguous processes. Then identify critical processes to focus on in the employee experience for improvement and enhancements.

Workshop Facilitations

5. Develop

Current Journeys and Determine New Ones

A general evaluation of employee experience processes with the organization is made. Areas of improvement and development are identified and additional employee experience process studies to be developed are identified.

Evaluation Report

3. Design

the Employee Journeys with Initiatives and Playbook

Afterwards, studies are carried out for the end-to-end design of the determined critical employee experience processes, the determination of the initiatives to be made on the basis of the processes, and the implementation of decision studies.

Journey Design Workshops

Execution Decision for Initiatives

Employee Experience Playbook Design

If you need further information and request a meeting:


Employee Experience Playbook

Great Company Inc.

Design Your Employee Experience Journeys in

Employee Experience Playbook

We design a digital playbook that covers all the employee experience journey's with processes, touch points, relevant systems and documents that will be used for the employee experience journey owners in the organization. 

Also the book will cover some useful informations, resources, tips and hints for the people to improve themselves.

Table of contents in an employee experience playbook

  • Charmain / CEO Foreword

  • Culture One Pager

  • Employee Experience Team Members

  • Employee Experience Manifesto

  • Employee Experience Strategy

  • Persona Cards 

  • Employee Journey Maps (Phases, Main Processes, Touch Points, Core Initiatives, Stakeholders

  • Employee Experience Prioritized Execution Plan 

  • Qualitative and Quantitative tests / surveys 

  • Core / Important Procedures

  • Glossary of Terms 

  • Contact Informations

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